Please join us on Monday evening, June 5, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. at the Waxman Chabad Center (2479 S. Green Road in Beachwood) for Cleveland Kosher Food Pantry’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Celebration! All KFP supporters – volunteers, board members, and donors – are welcome to attend the short program and dessert reception. 

This year’s Rivka Goldstein Volunteer of the Year Award goes to two super-dedicated volunteers, Jennifer Wintner and Emanuel Yakubov. They are being honored for their longtime assistance with KFP food deliveries to the senior buildings on Sundays.

Volunteers may bring guests. RSVP by emailing or calling the office at 216-382-7202. We look forward to seeing you – it’s sure to be a fabulous event! 

Jennifer Wintner

Emanuel Yakubov


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