The Legacy continues

Our History


Rabbi Zalman and Rebbetzin Shula Kazen served the Cleveland Jewish community for close to six decades. Their commitment and selflessness is legendary. While leading Congregation Zemach Zedek, they dedicated their time, effort and resources to help Jews regardless of affiliation. Hundreds of grateful families have fond memories of Rabbi and Rebbitzen Kazen.

Whatever the need, the Kazens rose to the challenge:


Rabbi Kazen, being a Shochet, helped provide for the material and spiritual needs of the holocaust survivors. Rebbetzin Kazen established Cholov Yisrael, Neshei Chabad, Mesibos Shabbos, and visited homes, encouraging new refugees to send their children to the Hebrew Academy.


Organized fundraising dinners for the Fallen Heroes of Israel & Kfar Chabad Vocational schools.


Established Chabad in Cleveland with their children for college students, which has expanded and flourished through their grandchildren.


Welcomed former USSR immigrants with free food and furniture, apartments and jobs, English Language and Jewish Heritage classes, and enrolled their children in the Hebrew Academy. Arranged festive holiday celebrations and life-cycle events for hundreds, including Brit Mila, Bar & BatMitzvah; weddings and funerals.

1990s – 2010

Provided physical and spiritual nourishment to the Russian & Bucharian Jewish community and others, with Rabbi Kazen’s daily pickups for the Minyan & Torah studies and free Shabbat meals cooked and served by Rebbetzin Kazen. On Sundays, participants enjoyed free lunch during the Torah class and took home food packages from the Kosher Food Bank. For the homebound, food packages were delivered weekly.

The Kazens' legacy continues:

The Kosher Food Pantry grew under  the direction of their daughter Devorah Alevsky. The Kosher Food Pantry expanded its activities. In addition to the food packages, we continue to bring the joy of the Jewish holidays through celebrations and programs.

Rivka Goldstein worked tirelessly as the pantry director, and under the guidance and management of Rabbi Yossi Freedman, Kosher Food Pantry has now grown exponentially. Recently, Sarah Yaffe Alevsky has assumed the role of the Executive Director of the Kosher Food Pantry. She is the third generation to lead the Kosher Food Pantry.

 Rabbi Kazen would recite the Kaddish for those who had loved ones who passed away, and they could not commit to reciting the Kaddish daily. We continue this tradition! To have Kaddish recited for a departed relative or friend, contact Devorah Alevsky at (216) 382-1878 or

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